As a service

The ultimate channel-exclusive managed service solution.
At Fifteen, we recognise our unique position – an Australian owned and based distributor with 360-degree engineering and technical capabilities with a full support desk.

XVaaS has been crafted with our partners in mind. By selecting us, you secure the freedom to choose your preferred carrier, retain customer ownership, decide on your branding approach (whether to utilise XV or brand this service as an in-house offering), and gain access to transformative solutions that will elevate your business to new heights.
Comprehensive Expertise in Unified Communications
Benefit from our extensive experience in project management, design, procurement, and installation of diverse communications solutions for seamless real-time multi-platform communication across all organisational levels. Our comprehensive services, technical support, and infrastructure empower you to streamline operations, scale effectively, and create a tailored customer experience. Count on our expert pre-sales support for solution design, freeing you to grow your business while we handle the rest.
Financial Security and Efficiency
Achieve financial security with minimal upfront setup costs, maintain ownership of your customers, and benefit from per-use/device pricing that remains fixed throughout the agreement, ensuring cost certainty and transparent pricing for scaling up or down as needed.
Simplified Business Operations
Our simplified and high-performance approach ensures accelerated delivery lead time, streamlined workflows, and a diverse range of tools, all designed to optimize your productivity and success. With our integrated system, you can effortlessly quote, place, and manage orders all on a single user-friendly portal, and our comprehensive portfolio offers a full suite of solutions in one place, including robust reporting and analytics capabilities for data-driven decisions.
Scalability and Flexibility
Our Managed UC services are designed with scalability and flexibility in mind. As our partners’ clientele expands or their communication needs change, our solutions can easily adapt. Whether it’s adding new users, integrating additional features, or expanding call center capabilities, our services scale seamlessly to accommodate evolving requirements, ensuring that partners can always meet their customers’ demands.


Unified Communications

Contact Center


Enterprise Call

XVaaS is designed for our partners. Partnering with Fifteen for Unified Communications delivers significant advantages to partners and their customers. Our specialised expertise, focus on cost-efficiency, and ability to scale with evolving requirements allow partners to enhance the communication services they offer while staying competitive in a dynamic market. This partnership empowers partners to deliver robust UC solutions without the operational burden, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and business growth.

Contact our partner team today to learn more about XV UC and XV TEAMSPHONE.

Expertise in Security Services
Using Fifteen for your customers’ security solutions means gaining access to advanced security expertise. We specialise in deploying and managing robust security measures such as SBCs for trunk and direct routing, routers, and virtual desktops with air gap isolation. Our team’s deep knowledge of security protocols and technologies ensures partners’ customers are protected against emerging threats, data breaches, and vulnerabilities.
Business Focus
Entrusting security management to us allows partners to keep their focus squarely on their core business objectives. Security is a complex and ever-evolving field, requiring constant vigilance and updates. By offloading these responsibilities to Fifteen, partners can dedicate more resources to their primary operations, customer engagement, and revenue generation, all while maintaining a strong security posture.
Simplified Business Operations
Our services for security bring cost-efficiency to the forefront. We leverage economies of scale and industry best practices to minimise operational expenses related to security measures. Partners benefit from reduced hardware costs, efficient management, and premium support. This cost-effectiveness ensures that partners can offer competitive pricing while maximising their profitability.
Premium Support
Our Security services are designed to be scalable and adaptable. As customers needs evolve, whether it’s adding new SBCs, upgrading router configurations, or expanding air-gapped virtual desktop environments, our services can flexibly accommodate these changes. This ensures that partners can easily adjust to their customers’ security requirements without disruptions or delays.
Better Connectivity Level

Data Encryption

Bandwidth Optimisation

Teams Direct Routing

5G Failover

Remote Desk Access

XVaaS is designed for our partners, collaborating with Fifteen for security solutions, including SBCs, routers, and air-gapped virtual desktops, offers partners numerous benefits. Our specialised expertise, business-focused approach, cost-efficiency, and scalability empower partners to deliver robust security services to their customers. This partnership enhances security measures without distracting partners from their core business activities, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and business growth.

Contact our partner team today to learn more about XV SBC, XV EDGE and XV ACCESS.

Proven Expertise in network infrastructure
Partnering with us means gaining access to a wealth of expertise and industry knowledge. Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of network infrastructure, ensuring that partners receive top-tier guidance, implementation, and ongoing support. This expertise translates into smoother deployments, minimised downtime, and a superior end-user experience for your customers.
Focus on Core Competencies
By entrusting the management of WiFi and PoE services to us, partners can concentrate on their core competencies and business objectives. Rather than diverting valuable resources and time to the complexities of network infrastructure, our services enable partners to channel their energy into customer acquisition, relationship-building, and revenue generation.
Cost Efficiency
Leveraging our Managed Service offering allows partners to reap the benefits of cost-efficiency. We bring economies of scale to the table, reducing operational costs, and ensuring that partners can deliver competitive pricing to their customers. Additionally, our proactive monitoring and maintenance can help prevent costly network issues and downtime, saving partners from unexpected expenses.
Scalability and Flexibility
Our Managed WiFi and PoE services are designed to be scalable and flexible. As our partners’ customer base grows or evolves, we can seamlessly adapt to accommodate changing needs. Whether it’s expanding coverage, integrating new devices, or enhancing security, our services can scale alongside our partners’ business, ensuring a future-proof solution that grows with them.
Multi Environment

Wide Range POE

Multi-Site Management

High Performance Wifi6

Fully Scalable

Secure Connection

XVaaS is designed for our partners, by partnering with us , our partners gain access to our expertise, freeing them to focus on their core competencies while ensuring cost-efficiency, scalability, and flexibility. This strategic partnership not only enhances the services partners can offer to their customers but also strengthens their competitive position in the market.

Contact our partner team today to learn more about XV WIFI and XV POE.